Why Your Boat Needs A Keel Guard

Why Your Boat Needs a Keel Guard

Have you ever wondered, "Do I really need to purchase a keel guard for my boat?" To answer this, yes, you do! Whether you're an avid angler or recreational boater, a keel guard ensures that your boat's keel is protected from abrasive surfaces that the bottom of your boat may encounter, such as sand, rocks, and boat ramps. A keel guard eliminates scratches and gouges and saves you from experiencing costly repairs.

A keel guard is essential for fiberglass boats because continued wear can break down the protective gel coat finish, allowing water to contaminate and destroy the fiberglass laminates. For aluminum boats, a keel guard protects against scratches, dents, and possibly punctures. A keel guard can only be installed on aluminum boats with smooth surfaces or light protrusions. If your keel features sharp edges or large protrusions, a keel guard will not adhere properly to this surface.

Installing a keel guard provides a sleek custom look using one of the many color options to match your boat best. Not only that, but the keel guard also adds to the overall value of the boat. By taking the time to protect and preserve your investment, you will increase the resale value of your vessel.

Which Keel Guard Do I Choose?

There are a handful of DIY keel guards on the market, but none are more efficient and reliable than the Megaware Keel Guard and the Gator Guards KeelShield. Both brands are well respected and renowned by boat owners and manufacturers for their quality products and ease of use. With keel guards available from 4ft to 12ft and in a wide variety of colors, there's a keel guard for almost every boat. Both Megaware and Gator Guards back their products with a lifetime warranty for the original purchaser through an authorized dealer.

Package comparison for both Megaware and Gator Guards Keel Guards

Easy Installation

The Megaware Keel Guard and Gator Guard KeelShield include the necessary tools and applicators to prep and install the keel guard properly. There are a few keys to remember when installing a keel guard:

  • The adhesive used on these keel guards can not be applied when the temperatures are below 65 degrees Fahrenheit or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Generally, a minimum air temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit provides optimal conditions for installation.
  • You want to install your keel guard above the resting water line, generally about 6 inches above and ending around 3 inches beyond the lowest point of the keel. Doing so ensures maximum protection along your vessel.
  • Preparation is critical to installing a keel guard. Following the instructions, properly mask off the installation area, lightly sand and clean the surface with isopropyl alcohol, and then prime the surface using the primer pads included in the kit.
  • When applying the keel guard, you will want to center it and slowly and adequately adhere it to the boat's keel. Work in 8-10 inch sections starting in the center and then working on each side without touching or contaminating the adhesive along the keel guard. Once attached, use the applicator to apply pressure to the keel guard to remove any air bubbles.
Keel Guard Installed

For a great visual representation of this process, check out the TacticalBassin Youtube channel and their video on How To Install A Keel Guard

Protecting your boat is essential to ensure you can enjoy your time on the water. A keel guard gives you peace of mind that a portion of your boat you may not always consider is adequately protected, saving you from costly repairs.

Check out our entire Megaware and Gator Guards marine products lineup to outfit your boat with products that protect and preserve your investment!