The NRS Split Kayak Float Bags are a great safety precaution, whether you are brand new to kayaking or have been doing it for years. These bags are long and narrow, so they will easily fit in the bow or stern of your kayak. Made using 10-gauge Urethane fabric, they will not leak or delaminate over time. They are also puncture-resistant, and they are all backed by a lifetime guarantee.
Simply place the deflated bags behind your seat or in front of the foot area and then easily inflate them using the twist valve and long, flexible hose provided. This also allows you to easily adjust the inflation level at any time while the bags are inside your kayak. There are four conveniently located anchor points at the corners of the float bag, allowing you to tie them in place and not have to worry about any movement. You can also tie the front ends together and place the float bags around the center pillar of your kayak. In the event of an unplanned swim, your kayak will fill up with less water, and it will be much easier for you and your friends to retrieve the kayak. Although the bags may look small, they will displace 80-90% of the water that would otherwise fill the hatch in the vent of a water breach. Protect yourself and give your kayak investment a layer of inexpensive insurance with an NRS Split Kayak Float Bag.
Due to the many different kayaks available, you will need to measure the space you want to fill on your kayak and choose bags that are that size or larger.
Additional Benefits:
Warning: Do not attempt to inflate a float bag to displace water from an already-flooded kayak. Inflation requires far more pressure than can be generated by mouth.
Boat Type: | Kayak |
Material: | 10-gauge urethane material |
Dimensions Bow: | 23" Length x 7.5" Depth x 10" Width x 3" Width at end |
Dimensions Stern: | 33.5" Length x 10" Depth x 13" Width x 3" Width at end |
Inflation Tube Length: | 20"-38" |
*Lifetime Warranty is provided directly by NRS, not Fishing Online LLC. For full disclosure details and to file a warranty claim, please visit