How to Keep Kayak Fishing Gear Secure - Tips and Tricks

How to Keep Kayak Fishing Gear Secure - Tips and Tricks

While kayak fishing, you must always keep your gear securely fastened to your yak to make sure you don't lose it if you get dumped. There are hundreds of different techniques for keeping your fishing gear secure on your kayak. Some methods are better than others, but we will cover a couple different ways to keep your gear secure and then you can decide what is best for you.

Securing Tools

Pliers are a necessity in kayak fishing for retrieving hooks that are stuck deep in the mouth. There are a number of different tools that you need to have on hand, but they also need to be secure. Most kayak anglers preference here is to secure them to your seat with some kind of retractable product. There are plenty of great products that you can tether your tools to.

YakAttack Surface Mount Retractor - This gear retractor can be mounted anywhere with a small flat surface area on your kayak. This allows you to tether your pliers or other fishing gear to it so you always know where they are and they will not get lost in the water.

YakAttack Track Mount Retractor - This retractor is perfect for when you want to move the item that you have tethered. This product fits onto the YakAttack Mighty Bolt and YakAttack GearTracs as well as other kayak track systems.

T-Reign Zinger & Nippers (pin) - This is perfect for having clippers at your disposal at any given moment. Simply pin it to your tackle bag or your jacket.

T-Reign Retractable Gear Tether (Large 48")T-Reign Retractable Gear Tether (Small 24") - These gear tethers are perfect for clipping your tethered tools to your seat or other places quickly. It is extremely easy to use and it will save your gear from being lost.

The Fish Grip - A must have for any kayak or boat fisherman. This tool floats so you never need to worry about dropping your lip grips in the water!

Securing Gear with a Storage Container

For storage containers, there is nothing better than the  YakAttack Blackpak. This box (pictured below) has bungees to secure the lid on your crate so your fishing tackle doesn't fly out. This box has many mounting options so it is as versatile as it is secure.

For a cheaper solution, simply use a milk crate to store your fishing tackle. If you use a milk crate or other DIY crates, we highly recommend using a bungee to secure your gear so you don't regret it later!

Securing Paddles

Use a paddle clip to secure your paddle to your kayak,  especially in rough or choppy waters!

Shoreline Marine Paddle Leash - Keeps your paddle securely attached to your kayak. Your paddle is your most important item so make sure to keep it leashed!

Keep Valuables Secured in a Dry Bag

Shoreline Marine Dry Bag - This is great for keeping your items clean and dry while kayak fishing.

Note: You may want to keep a set of extra clothes in a dry bag when paddling in cold weather.

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  • John Harley